FAQs & Info


1Q: What are the opening times?
Gates Open 11am, Close at 6pm.
2Q: Do you have disabled accessible facilities?
Most of the site is on flat-grass, with access to disabled toilets and seating. Should you require help on the day, please speak to security or a member of staff.
3Q: How do I get to the event?
Hazlehead Park, Hazlehead Ave, Aberdeen AB15 8BE. Some Sat-Nav’s may take you to the wrong side of the park. The festival is signed-posted, please follow the signs. For those walking, please follow the Main Entrance signs.

If coming via a Taxi, they will need to head to the Taxi Drop-off.
4Q: How do I exit the event?
You will exit the same way you came, taxi drop-off / pick up, parking etc.
5Q: How do I get to site using Public Transport?
There are no bus services that stop directly outside the main entrance to the park.
6Q: Can I leave the event site and then come back? (i.e are there pass-outs)?
There are no pass outs at Happy Days Festival.
7Q: How old do I need to be to attend and will I need ID?
Happy Days Festival welcomes all ages, but under-18s must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Bars operate a challenge-25 policy, if you look younger than 25, bring ID.
8Q: Is there a Dress Code?
It's a Festival, Go Wild!
9Q: Will you be releasing Event Program Timings?
Event Program will be released on our socials prior to the day.
10Q: Lost Property
Should you lose anything; Lost Property will be listed on Social Media a few days after the event has finished.


1Q: Can I pay on the day?
Unless Sold Out... Yes, tickets will be on the Box Office on the day.
2Q: Can I Upgrade my Standard Ticket to VIP?
Currently no, check Social Media for further details.
3Q: I have a General Ticket Question
Please contact the Ticket Outlet where you purchased your ticket from.

Food & Drink

1Q: Can I bring Food & Drink In With Me?
No, but we do have fully stocked Bars / Food Stalls. Unlike last year, you’ll be able to use Cash & Card at all the bars, including VIP Area.
2Q: Which Drinks do you sell?
Soft Drinks / Water / Beer / Cider / Mixed Fruit Cider / Processco / Vodka / Gin / Whisky / Jager bombs / Tequilla / Soft Drinks / Energy Drink.
3Q: How much do drinks cost?
Drinks vary from £2 - £8 per drink. Soft Drinks to Spirits/Mixer.


1Q: Are there any lockers for my valuables?
2Q: Can I bring a bag?
Yes, your bag will need to be the same size as an A4 piece or paper or smaller, this will be searched upon entry.
3Q: Is there anywhere to charge my phone?
4Q: Can I bring Perfume / Deodorant?
Glass Bottles / Aerosols are Banned. Roll On Deodorant is fine.
5Q: Can I bring Suncream?
Yes, no glass bottles.


Coming Soon.

I think I've been spiked:

If an allegation is made of spiking and intelligence exists as to a suspect effort shall be made to locate such person with police being informed accordingly. Security shall provide a drink spiking test swab to any person requesting such to allow for an indication to be made if the drink/container has been retained. It is noted that this is an informal indicative test and the container, and any liquid present should be retained and secured for further assessment by police.

Security will carry out regular patrols of the event area actively looking out for anyone actively doing so.

Items Banned from the Festival:

- Aerosols (Inc: Deodorant, Air Horns)
- Alcohol / Food
- Cameras (DSLR etc, Compact Cameras are fine!)
- Illegal Drugs (Inc: Powders, Poppers, Nitrous Oxide etc)
- Glass
- Chairs (Unless Camping, please see Camping FAQs)
- Umbrellas
- Selfie Sticks
- Flag Poles (Flags Okay!)
- Masks / Face Garments (PPE is okay)
- Explosives (Inc: Blowtorches, Fireworks, Flares / Smoke Bombs, Lanterns)
- Firearms, Weapons, Sharp Objects

PLEASE NOTE: All persons, ticket holders as well as guests, press and media must be searched on entry.

Please note that food or alcohol may not be brought into the festival area, which will be enforced upon entry.